Credit scores, not credit chores

Good credit scores?

Having good credit can certainly make your life easier — but you need to be organized and efficient with your bill paying chores to stay on track. We already covered some free online budgeting services, and now here are two places to get a free credit report.
credit card - credit scoresThrough this site, you can get your credit report free once every 12 months from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. is the only federally-authorized source for the free annual credit report that’s yours by law.

Credit Karma
A free consumer service offering credit simulators, free credit scores, credit score comparisons and more to help you actively manage your credit and financial health. (A for-profit company, Credit Karma does not charge, but makes money by presenting you with offers based on your current financial status.)

Remember: Whenever entering personal or other sensitive data on a computer, ensure that the connection is secure (look for the lock icon on the web page) — and if you’re connected to the internet through wifi or a router, confirm that it is password-protected and the signal is encrypted (see details here).

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